Udalosti v brmlabu tento tyden:
Events taking place in brmlab this week:
17.7.2014 20:00 Hardwarové debugování ARM procesorů s JTAGy - http://brmlab.cz/event/arm_debugging
21.7.2014 17:00 Medlab 1st challenge night RedHot edition
Udalosti v brmlabu tento tyden:
Events taking place in brmlab this week:
12.7.2014 - 13.7.2014 prubezny termin na Open Scraper Challenge 2014 - http://brmlab.cz/event/scraper_challenge
jeste naposledy pripominam, ze tuto sobotu bude uz ctvrta narozeninova
party brmlabu! Uz celkem vybarveny predbezny program najdete na:
Dockate se talku, party a snad i elektrickych vyboju. Oproti minulym
letum bude mozna mene alkoholu, zato vice masa.
Party hrad,
Petr Baudis
Udalosti v brmlabu tento tyden:
Events taking place in brmlab this week:
28.6.2014 14:00 4. narozeniny Brmlabu! - http://brmlab.cz/event/brmlab4
26.6.2014 20:00 schůze Revizní komise
I'm sure some of you already know about this, but I'd just like to formally
invite everyone to the first Prague Docker meetup
(http://brmlab.cz/event/docker_meetup), which will take place at Brmlab on
9.6.2014 at 18:00.
In case you guys don't already know, Docker is a new tool for creating
portable chrooted environments. It allows anyone to create a portable
Docker image(a tarball with a file tree that looks like the root fs of a
normal linux install). A program installed within the image can be run
flawlessly on any 64 bit linux system which supports Docker. That means that
if I can install a program on Debian, than I can package that program up in
a docker image and run that program on Fedora. Better yet, the program is
confined to it's chrooted environment using Linux's cgroups, meaning that
you can safely try out programs that you do not trust.
This leads to a virtual machine like tool that is unbelievably light weight.
Programs installed in Docker images can be run with no more overhead* than
any other linux process.
If you want to find out more about Docker, or if you are already involved
and interested in the software, please join us!
(*) There may be a very slight ram penalty due to an inability to share
dynamically linked libraries.
Timothy Hobbs
Brmlab mailing list