*FabLearn 2013 - Call for Submissions - Deadline Extended to July 27th
**FabLearn 2013 invites submissions for its third annual conference, to be
held on October 27th - 28th, 2013 at Stanford University. FabLearn is a
venue for educators, policy-makers, students, designers, researchers, and
makers to present, discuss, and learn about digital fabrication in
education, the “makers” movement, and hands-on learning. We are seeking
submissions for contributions to our Workshops, Demos, Educator track, and
Research track. Research papers at FabLearn will be peer reviewed.
Deadline for all tracks: July 27th, 2013 by 11:59pm (PDT)
More info and submission formats at:****
Conference chair: Paulo Blikstein (Stanford University)****
Conference organizer: Kathryn Papadopoulos (Stanford University)****
Conference co-chairs: Sherry Hsi (Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley),
Erica Halverson (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Deborah Fields (Utah
State University), Jaymes Dec (Marymount School, NYC), Angi Chau (Bourn
Lab, Castilleja School, Palo Alto)**
** **
For educators and designers to lead a 2-hour workshop for conference guests
demonstrating digital fabrication and/or hands-on learning activities used
in classrooms, museums, and any other type of learning space. Presenters of
accepted workshops will receive a modest travel/registration financial aid
(to be split by the presenters).****
** **
For teachers, administrators, museum staff, and program facilitators to
reflect on their experiences with digital fabrication and hands-on learning
activities in classrooms, museums, and any other type of learning space.
Your submission should contain a description of your formal or informal
educational experience and an explanation of its importance to the digital
fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities. We do not expect these
submissions to follow strict academic language and structure, but we expect
some reflection beyond the simple narrative of the experience. How can the
experience be useful for others? What are the lessons learned? What
facilitation principles can be derived from the experience? What can we
learn about the design of digital fabrication/makers/hands-on learning
experiences? (References to literature and previous work are very welcome,
but not required).****
** **
For researchers to present current research in the realm of digital
fabrication, hands-on science and engineering, and “making” in educational
settings. Acceptances will be based on contributions that report original
work. The paper must identify and cite published work relevant to the paper
topic, explain how the presented work has built on previous contributions,
and indicate where and why novel approaches have been adopted. Authors of
accepted full papers will have 15 minutes for oral presentation during the
** **
For researchers to present current research in the realm of digital
fabrication, hands-on science and engineering, and “making” in educational
settings. Acceptances will be based on short paper contributions that
report original work. Authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in
progress and late-breaking research results that show the latest innovative
ideas. We invite presentation of ongoing work and preliminary results, by
experienced academics as well as young researchers and designers. Short
papers are not expected to include as complete a literature review as full
papers. Papers should stress the importance of the submission to the
digital fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities. At the
conference, authors of accepted short papers will participate in a
‘madness’ session, giving a very quick overview of their work. This will be
followed by a poster session where they will have the opportunity to speak
with attendees about their work.****
For developers and educators to showcase new digital fabrication tools,
hands-on learning platforms, construction kits applicable to education, and
student projects. At the conference, authors of demos will participate in a
‘madness’ session, giving a very quick overview of their work. This will be
followed by the demo session where they will have the opportunity to
demonstrate their product or project. Your submission should contain a
detailed description of the product or project being demonstrated, relevant
previous work, and an explanation of its importance to the digital
fabrication/makers/hands-on learning communities. All demos will have
available an internet connection, a table, and an outlet. We will not be
able to accommodate special equipment needs for demos (only in very special
Dovolte mi, abych Vás tímto pozval na konferenci GUADEC, která letos se
koná v Brně od 1. do 8. srpna. GUADEC je největší konference v rámci
projektu GNOME a je platformou, kde se setkávají nadšenci a přispěvatelé
hnutí svobodného softwaru (Free Software) z celého světa. Jedná se o hlavní
událost roku v kalendáři akcí projektu GNOME. Na konferenci prezentují
přední osobnosti ze světa svobodného softwaru a zároveň probíhají workshopy
a společenské akce. Ať již z hlediska vzdělání nebo zábavy, tato konference
každoročně inspiruje nové přispěvatele a byli bychom rádi, kdybyste se jí i
Vy zúčastnili.
Hlavní program přednášek a společenských akcí se koná mezi 1. a 4. srpnem.
Mezi přednášejícími se objeví mnoho osobností ze světa svobodného softwaru.
Program obsahuje mimo jiné:
Lennart Poettering (Red Hat) — Sandboxed applications for GNOME
Keith Packard (Intel) — Desktop compositing
Michael Meeks (SUSE) — LibreOffice
Robert Bradford (Intel) — Wayland
Ethan Lee — Porting games to Linux
Prostor dostane i program Women Outreach, user experience design,
technologie Webkit, gstreamer, dokumentace, ownCloud, Tracker, sledování a
hlášení chyb, GTK+ a další. Kompletní program je k dispozici na webových
stránkách [1].
Můžete se zúčastnit i pouze na den, dva nebo víkend. Stejně tak můžete
využít i nabídky ubytování.
Na viděnou v Brně!
Jménem projektu GNOME,
Jakub Steiner
[1] https://www.guadec.org/
Udalosti v brmlabu tento tyden:
Events taking place in brmlab this week:
21.5.2013 20:00 Valná hromada
23.5.2013 20:00 - http://brmlab.cz/event/dsp_reloaded