Zdravim! Chcela som len pripomenut akciu ktora prebieha tento tyzden v Prahe - "Nomadic Science Lab - Mutamorphosis", blizssie info dolu :)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Marc Dusseiller marc@dusseiller.ch Date: Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 7:03 PM Subject: Getting Started with the Nomadic Science Lab - Mutamorphosis, Prague To: Denisa Kera denisa.kera@gmail.com Cc: Pavel Sedlak gm.sedlak@gmail.com, Zackery Denfeld zackery@gmail.com, Cathrine Kramer cathrine.kramer@gmail.com, Urs Gaudenz urs@gaudi.ch, Brian Degger brian.degger@gmail.com, kinimod činham dominik.mahnic@gmail.com, Michal Kindernay michal.kindernay@gmail.com, Radka Haneckova chidori@emptytriangle.com, petrsourek petrsourek@centrum.cz, Andrej Boleslavsky | CIANT andrej.boleslavsky@ciant.cz, "roman.trochta@ciant.cz" roman.trochta@ciant.cz, insectual insectual@societyofalgorithm.org, Maria Grade Godinho mariagradegodinho@gmail.com, lissa@ucsc.edu, verena kuni verena@kuni.org, Jennifer Willet jswillet@gmail.com, Spela Petric spelun@gmail.com, robertina šebjanič robertina.sebjanic@gmail.com, Sumugan Sivanesan sumugan.sivanesan@gmail.com, Tessa Zettel tessa@makeshift.com.au
Dear friends,
as you all are somehow involved in our activities during mutamorphosis 2012, participating, collaborating, remote connecting, participating at the panel, attracting, theoretizing, bullshiting etc, i send you a warm welcome and hello from prague!
we finally arrived and are getting ready to get rolling with the Nomadic Science Lab. we'll be in Vzorkovna from tomorrow morning onwards, hacking, fooding, chatting, brewing, arguing etc.
we will keep you all updated about what's going on these days, for those who arrive later. and feel free to cross post our links through fbook or other means.
all the best.... now out for food. marc