Axovi a brmbot teamu: tohle by mel byt ten shop odkud mi kdysi posilali
baterii podle navrhu ktery jsem jim dodal. (zminoval jsem vcera na meetingu)
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 09:24:23 +0200
From: sylvain <sylvain(a)>
To: rada(a), dalibor.tomko(a)
Subject: [Rada] Membership request
Dobri den,
I just met with Dalibor Tomko who introduced me to your team.
I do electronics in Prague since many years, with few cool friends.
I own just about everything that is listed under "electronics" in your
wish list.
Including the oscilloscope and 6 quad cores, plus many Monitors and 6
projectors XL51 from Sanyo.
My principal occupation the last 15 years has been to hack hardware and
software from slot machines so to produce and market my own versions in
Europe and Asia. I know some very talented programmers and
electrotecnicians, especially in Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia and Israel.
Now we are converting our business to leasing Bio medical devices and
setting up a social business just like yours somewhere around Prague
also very soon.
I come with solid partners, like www.momentfactory.com <> or
I will be at your meeting next week. I am mostly interested in finding a
few people who can handle Unity 3D game engine development.
Wish you good luck in your projects,
Kind regards,
Sylvain Audet
Service factory
Prague 6
Brm všem v Labu!
Rad bych vas upozornil na probihajici pripravy na akci s Mitchem
Altmanem a zaroven vas timto poprosil o jakoukoli vasi pomoc pokud muzete.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Hackerspace] [maltman23(a) RE: Slovakia visit]
FYI - ake prednasky mame od Mitcha na vyber.
Ja by som si celkom dal aj kludne "How to start a hackerspace" alebo
"Brain machine".
Mali by sme sa dohodnut, co od neho vlastne chceme, aby sme vedeli, co
mame dalej propagovat :)
----- Forwarded message from Mitch Altman <maltman23(a)> -----
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 16:04:47 -0700
From: Mitch Altman <maltman23(a)>
To: Pavol Luptak <wilder(a)>
Subject: RE: Slovakia visit
Hi Pavol,
I don't have a list anywhere of my presentations. But, here's a few
to choose from:
-- 5-minute Lightning talk: How I went from a depressed blob
of a kid to a jet-setting, public-speaking inventor who loves my life
-- 60-minute (including Q&A): How to bring you project from
idea to reality, and make a living on what you love
-- 60-minute (including Q&A): How to start a hackerspace
-- 60-minute (including Q&A): How to make cool things with
microcontrollers (Microcontrollers 101)
-- 60-minute (including Q&A): TV-B-Gone, Life, and Media literacy
-- 60-minute (including Q&A): Brain Machine
I also take requests. :)
14:00h for the workshop and 20:00h for the presentation sounds good.
[wilder(a)] [] [talker: 5678]
dovoluji si vás všechny pozvat na nezávislý festival freezefest ( )
kromě hudby, audiovizuálního umění, divadla a filmů bude k vidění i
spousta workshopů.
Bylo by možné dokonce udělat workshopy vlastní, nebo alespoň prezentaci
Při nejmenším tam může být příjemný hackerspace meetup a
session :-)
vstupné je tuším dobrovolné.
Pokud tedy někdo máte dobrý nápad na workshop, neváhejte ho hodit do
Tuším že byly v našich řadách nějaké otázky ohledně thereminu - v okodómu
bude workshop hraní na theremin.
k vidění toho bude jistě mnohem víc a najdete to na stránkách. těším se na
vaši účast.
Já osobně tam pojedu asi o den dřív s lidma z Arachne Laboratories (xchaos
a spol.) stavět fullerovu báň (aka geodetický dóm - na stránkách freezu
"okodóm"). A následně tam snad budeme i provozovat nějakou reprodukovanou
hudbu z naší wannabe soundsystem dodávky (dokud nás to bude bavit).
Potom by mohla být naše (poměrně slušná) aparatura volná pro jedince s
laptopama nebo hračkama, kteří mají co zahrát/ukázat, ale nemají vlastní
bedny. Snad se vydaří počasí a budeme tam moct kempovat celou dobu.
Ahojte Prazaci,
mam problem najst nejake rozumne a relativne lacne priestory pre
Confidence 2.0 v Prahe 29-30.11.2010, viac info: Vsetko je bud obsadene, alebo strasne drahe.
Oslovil som,,,, ... vsetko maju
v dany termin obsadene.
Ako lokalni obyvatelia Prahy so znalostou miestnych pomerov, viete mi
doporucit nejake vhodne a cenovo prijatelne miesto na konferenciu?
Odhadovany pocet navstevnikov konferencie je priblizne 240 ludi, idealne,
keby tam bola aj nejaka predsien na pripadne stanky (CTF).
Nejaky voucher coupon pre clenov Brmlabu som Vam uz slubil... :)
Podotykam, ze ide o cisto technicku (nemarketingovu, neproduktovu) geekovsku
[Pavol Luptak, Nethemba s.r.o.] [] [tel: +421905400542]
-------- Original Message --------
From: Mitch Altman <maltman23(a)>
To: <ruza(a)>
CC: Stef Marsiske <stefan.marsiske(a)>, <rada(a)>
Subject: RE: mitch altman in bratislava,prague,bucharest
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 13:55:09 -0700
Hello ruza,
I have put my schedule together. The date that will work for me for a
workshop at brmlab is Thursday, 16-September. Can that work for you?
If so, I will arrive in Prague on the 15th, do the workshop on the 16th,
and leave (for Budapest) on the 17th.
Is there someone who can put me up while in Prague? I am really easy. A
couch, floor space, 5-star hotel -- whatever!
Warm regards,
From: maltman23(a)
To: ruza(a)
CC: stefan.marsiske(a); rada(a)
Subject: RE: mitch altman in bratislava,prague,bucharest
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:02:25 -0700
Hello, ruza,
Good to hear from you!
Congratulations on signing your rental agreement. :) It's an exciting time.
In my experience it is best to open up the workshop to everyone. This
usually attracts a lot of people who may not otherwise have heard of
your space, and potentially become members. At the beginning of each
workshop I give an introduction, and in it I let people know that the
hackerspace is funded by member dues and dontations, and welcome people
to donate any amount of money if they like. So, it is good to have a
donation box. It is also good to have stickers for your hackerspace to
give away so that people can put them on their laptops, street lamp
poles, and everywhere -- this reminds people to come back to the
hackerspace. Also, if you have any T-shirts or anything else for sale,
I'll point that out. Please feel free to use the workshop as a
fund-raising opportunity. My time is free -- I only ask to be reimbursed
for my kits used in the workshop.
I'm still putting dates together for my workshops in Eastern Europe.
Maybe the 15th or 16th of September would be good? Does that work for you?
To do a workshop, I'll need you to get the following together:
- a room big enough for everyone to solder
- a demo table to show all the kits that people can make
- tables and chairs for people to solder at
- lighting (if the room doesn't have enough) -- several lamps different
lamps make for a nice feel, too
- soldering irons, each with a stand and sponge (ideally one per
participant, but people can share, if necessary)
- wire cutters (ideally one per participant, again, people can share, if
- solder (with lead is way better!, but unleaded will work if that's all
you can get)
- hot glue gun, with glue sticks to fit it
- AA alkaline batteries (about 40 is good)
- power strips (with one outlet for each solder iron, plus lighting,
plus a hot glue gun, plus daisy chaining)
- AC extension cords to get power to each power strip
- enough printouts of the "Soldering Is Easy" comic for all participants
(translate them, if you like!):
I'll bring all the kits and tools, and everything else needed.
No charge for my time. I do this 'cause I love teaching people how to
make things, and love helping hackerspaces. I ask to be reimbursed for
kits used during the workshop, which is between US$10 and US$30 per kit
(most are US$20).
The workshop is best described by checking out what's been posted for
previous workshops I've given:……
Please feel free to copy from these for publicity purposes.
Sound OK?
Please let me know what you think.
> Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:13:49 +0200
> From: ruza(a)
> To: maltman23(a)
> CC: stefan.marsiske(a); rada(a)
> Subject: Re: mitch altman in bratislava,prague,bucharest
> Hi Mitch and Stef,
> Prague hackerspace is called brmlab, has a website and
> we are now in the proces of signing our rental agreement for our place
> with their owners. I am not sure at what date Mitch wants to be in
> Prague, it is possible that we will have keys that times, but our place
> still needs a lot hard work improvements (no electricity, etc). But we
> are able to organize workshop in another place in Prague. First thing
> I'd like to know which date Mitch plans to visit Prague.
> Brmlab has now around 17 paying members, my second question what is your
> notion of this workshop. Should it be open to public or only for
> hackerspace members. Do you need some tools, projector? How long do you
> expect workshop will be, 1 hour or more?
> I am near to make workshop available only for hackerspace members
> because it could motivate to people to become and stay as a member of
> brmlab. But if you prefer open event, we can make it so.
> ruza
> On 08/31/2010 09:36 AM, Stef Marsiske wrote:
> > Hey Mitch,
> >
> > On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 09:43:17PM -0700, Mitch Altman wrote:
> >> Timing is kind of tight now. I do apologize for not looking at all
my date possibilities earlier.
> >
> > no worries, our schedule is also very packed.
> >
> >> Is there a space in Prague, also?
> >
> > yes, afaik it's still in planning. brmlab, i copy this mail to
ruza, who
> > should be already in contact with you about this, he's from prague
and brmlab.
> >
> >> It'd be cool to do a workshop there, too, if there's people there
into it.
> >
> > i agree, those people are cool, so a workshop cannot be not cool. ;)
> >
> >> You gave me contact info for bon at progressbar in Brataslava, and
Constantin for Harkopen in Bucharest, and you've seen the emails I just
sent to them. Thanks for hooking us all up!
> >
> > yes! thank you for going on tour in central europe! this is very
important for
> > us here.
> >
> >> It will be way cool to see what people are up to in these spaces!
> >
> > we will be happy to show you everything. ;)
> >
> > cant wait,
> > cheers,s
> >
Stale netusim, co se probiralo na minulem meetupu a jestli se neco
dohodlo kolem bodu, ktere byly planovane k probrani - kdo tam byl, mohli
byste prosim aspon par vet napsat na
Petr "Pasky" Baudis
The true meaning of life is to plant a tree under whose shade
you will never sit.
Vazeni pratele v Brmlabu, sympatizanti a dalsi
mame jedinecnou prilezitost zorganizovat spolecnymi silami propagacni
akci pro brmlab, ktera jiste nezustane nepovsimnuta. Mitch Altman, autor
hw device TV-B-Gone (univerzalni vypinac televize) bude v polovine zari
v Praze a je ochotny podporit nas hackerspace usporadanim workshopu na
toto tema. Tuto prilezitost bysme si rozhodne nemeli nechat ujit.
Potrebujeme zajistit prostory vhodne pro workshop. Napada mne oslovit
Tomase z ASRG, ktery nam neco v tomto smyslu nabizel nebo oslovit Hub
Prague, mozna usporadat na matfyzu. mame jeste nejake jine moznosti?
je to dobra prilezitost jak k brmlabu pritahnout dalsi lidi. Dnes na
prednasce o Fab6 se objevili dalsi, ktere projekt brmlabu zajima. Jak
Mitch pise pokud budeme mit nejake brmlab-related zalezitosti jako
stickery, tricka, propagacni zalezitosti, vytistene materialy. Dalsi napady?
Nevahejte se zapojit, pojdte byt u toho
-------- Original Message --------
From: Mitch Altman
To: <rada(a)>
Subject: RE: mitch altman in bratislava,prague,bucharest
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:02:25 -0700
Hello, ruza,
Good to hear from you!
Congratulations on signing your rental agreement. :) It's an exciting time.
In my experience it is best to open up the workshop to everyone. This
usually attracts a lot of people who may not otherwise have heard of
your space, and potentially become members. At the beginning of each
workshop I give an introduction, and in it I let people know that the
hackerspace is funded by member dues and dontations, and welcome people
to donate any amount of money if they like. So, it is good to have a
donation box. It is also good to have stickers for your hackerspace to
give away so that people can put them on their laptops, street lamp
poles, and everywhere -- this reminds people to come back to the
hackerspace. Also, if you have any T-shirts or anything else for sale,
I'll point that out. Please feel free to use the workshop as a
fund-raising opportunity. My time is free -- I only ask to be reimbursed
for my kits used in the workshop.
I'm still putting dates together for my workshops in Eastern Europe.
Maybe the 15th or 16th of September would be good? Does that work for you?
To do a workshop, I'll need you to get the following together:
- a room big enough for everyone to solder
- a demo table to show all the kits that people can make
- tables and chairs for people to solder at
- lighting (if the room doesn't have enough) -- several lamps different
lamps make for a nice feel, too
- soldering irons, each with a stand and sponge (ideally one per
participant, but people can share, if necessary)
- wire cutters (ideally one per participant, again, people can share, if
- solder (with lead is way better!, but unleaded will work if that's all
you can get)
- hot glue gun, with glue sticks to fit it
- AA alkaline batteries (about 40 is good)
- power strips (with one outlet for each solder iron, plus lighting,
plus a hot glue gun, plus daisy chaining)
- AC extension cords to get power to each power strip
- enough printouts of the "Soldering Is Easy" comic for all participants
(translate them, if you like!):
I'll bring all the kits and tools, and everything else needed.
No charge for my time. I do this 'cause I love teaching people how to
make things, and love helping hackerspaces. I ask to be reimbursed for
kits used during the workshop, which is between US$10 and US$30 per kit
(most are US$20).
The workshop is best described by checking out what's been posted for
previous workshops I've given:……
Please feel free to copy from these for publicity purposes.
Sound OK?
Please let me know what you think.