(Asi o Warwicka zrovna zase prijdu, zivot je proste syrove kruty :)
----- Forwarded message from Jirka <jirka.sejnoha(a)gmail.com> -----
zasílám Vám pozvání na následující seminář "Filosofických problémů
informatiky", přednáší první zahraniční host semináře:
Professor Kevin Warwick
Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, England
na téma:
"The Turing Test: Practical Application and Philosophical Implications"
We will take a look here at the practical realities of tackling the
Turing Test as an interrogator and some of the pitfalls that have
occurred over the last decade with the tests that have actually been
performed. If you thought machines have no sense of humour, then think
again. Indeed if you thought machines cannot even think, then think
again. As well as looking at actual test transcripts and testing the
audience as to their ability to spot the difference between machines
and humans, we will consider here some of the philosophical
implications and consider what questions this asks regarding the
thinking capabilities of both machines and philosophers.
Seminář se vyjimečně koná v úterý 20. 12. 2011 od 17:20 v posluchárně
S8 na Malostranském náměstí, budova MFF UK.
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