My name is Lawrance and i’m the founder of MakerSpaceClub Romania.We
are a young Club at the beginning of the road and like any club that is
at the starting point, we have had the need to put in our space all the
equipment and machines that we could find.One of the first investments
was the eShapeoko Hobby CNC, a very cheap, reliable and good quality
machine that we can use to build our self the rest we need for the
MakerSpaceClub, like a 3D printer, laser cutter, camera slider rig, pick
and place machine and the rest of what we can think about.
eShapeoko is the European version of the, now famous in USA,
Shapeoko(www.shapeoko.com), that is made with
The problem is that MakerSlide and the Accessories(the basic materials
to build all this machines) are quit expensive for us to buy them from
USA or UK, because of the shipping and dutty taxes.So we have decided
that we should start a campaign on Indiegogo to raise the funds to make
a new die for MakerSlide in East Europe.Like this we can make the rail
and accessories more available for makers and Open Source enthusiasts.
For this reason i come to announce you about the campaign that is
taking place on Indiegogo for a new die for Makerslide in East Europe.I
have put some interesting perks for you, so please check them out.Like
this you don’t only buy a great aluminium V-rail system at a very good
price, but you also help a new HackerSpace that is at the starting
I hope that you will appreciate this initiative and you will back this
project or at least you could make us very happy by helping us to
spread the word to anybody that you could think that are interested in
this project.
A portion of the sale will go to Bart Dring, the creator of MakerSlide.
Thank you,
Boghiu Laurentiu
Zdravim ve spolek,
Muj bratr mi prave oznamil, ze mu jeho konto na seznamu.cz, kde ma emaly, tedy respektive mel emaily, zeje prazdnotou, coz je pro poslednich cca pet let celkem intenzivnich komunikaci znacne suboptimalni. Me se to stalo x let zpet na seznamu take, proto jsem z nej odesel. Mate s tim prosim nejake zkusenosti? Myslite, ze je tam nejaka sance je ziskat zpet? Trochu bych doufal, ze je tam nejaky back up, alespon po nejakou dobu, ale jist si tim nejsem neb jsem takhle prisel o cca 1.5 let emailu u justhost, ktery, kdyz jsem jej kontaktovat, se mi v zasade vysmal co si to jako vymyslim za nadstandarty ...
Nu nic, Bratrovi jsem doporucil je urychlene kontaktovat jak emailem, tak telefonicky, kdyby nekdo tusil jake jsou jeho sance ci navrhoval nejake jine reseni, tak dejte prosim vedet, ja mu to preposlu.
Diky moc,
Z Jeju zdravi,
PS samozrejme mu doporucuji zmenit emailoveho klienta :-)
Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck
biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker
"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Dear Brmlab,
I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time. We are studying at the
Central European University in Budapest and we are researching
Hacker-spaces in Central and East Europe. We have found your contact
information on the hackerspace.org website. We are researching hacker
spaces, hacker conferences, IT security companies, and hacker blog spaces.
Can you please answer these questions?
1. What are the most popular IT security and hacker blogs in your
2. What are the most popular hacker spaces in your country?
3. Are your members students or professionals?
4. How many members are interested in going to an IT security or hacker
5. What are the main IT security/hacker conferences in your country?
Thank you for your response. May we ask more questions?
Our team can communicate in English, German, Russian and Hungarian.
Thank you for your time,
Tony, Tobias and Nurbek.
AcceleratorHK opens for applications for 2nd cohort
AcceleratorHK, a YCombinator-style startup accelerator in Hong Kong,
is now open to applications for its second batch. The three month
bootcamp, which will start on 13 May, focuses on mobile startups doing
cross-platform development with HTML5. Interested startups must
register on F6s by 5 April.
The accelerator had 80 applications for its first batch, out of which
six teams were selected. A demo day was held in February this year.
Each startup received USD 15,000 in seed funding. Similarly, for this
cohort, AcceleratorHK will only accept five or six teams.
The program is organized by Paul Orlando and Stephen Forte, who have
experience starting up and working in tech companies. Some of the
mentors at the first run of the program have included Matt Meeker,
co-founder of Meetup.com, and Neeraj Arora, a business development
executive at Whatsapp.
Here’s a video showcasing the going-ons leading up to demo day:
rad bych pripomnel, ze uz zitra od sedmi vecer probehne v Brmlabu Copyright night, tak nevahejte a prijde si popovidat a autorskem pravu, autorskych dilech a vecech souvisejicich! :)
Happy hacking
Posilam toto znovu jeste na announce(a)brmlab.cz
Pred casem jsem se zucastnil jedne roboticke akce:
kterou poradala tato firma:
Seznamil jsem se s orcganizatorem (puvodem z Danska), kteremu bych rad
pomohl s dalsim rocnikem.
Protoze jsou v planu workshopy ruzne slozitosti, napadlo mne ze by zde
mohl mit nekdo zajem a nejaky worksop na akci realizovat.
Pokud ano, muzete napsat mne nebo primo na info(a)vivelesrobots-education.dk.
S pozdravem,
Announce mailing list
nedavno jsme se byli podivat u vas v Labu. Libil se nam system hlaseni
statusu otevreneho/zavreneho brmlabu. Muzu se zeptat, jak je to
technicke resene?
Michal Strnad
vyhrál jsem dva chytré telefony, ale pro takové zařízení nemám využití (ještě když to ani nemá HW klávesnici...). Nechcete je někdo koupit? Jedná se o HTC Wildfire S (černý) a Motorola Motoluxe XT615. HTC bych prodal za 2k, Motorolu za 3k.
Jan Hrach, http://jenda.hrach.eu/
GPG CD98 5440 4372 0C6D 164D A24D F019 2F8E 6527 282E
Pred casem jsem se zucastnil jedne roboticke akce:
kterou poradala tato firma:
Seznamil jsem se s orcganizatorem (puvodem z Danska), kteremu bych rad
pomohl s dalsim rocnikem.
Protoze jsou v planu workshopy ruzne slozitosti, napadlo mne ze by zde
mohl mit nekdo zajem a nejaky worksop na akci realizovat.
Pokud ano, muzete napsat mne nebo primo na info(a)vivelesrobots-education.dk.
S pozdravem,
nema prosim nekdo doma nepouzivany papinuv hrnec? Pro biolab bychom
potrebovali autoklav na sterilizaci nadob apod. :-)
S pozdravem
Jirka D.
Someday, visions of love / The ones you wanted to shine
Will burn through everyone's eyes / Wait till you're dead and gone
One thing stays in your mind / That hope of saving the world
As desperation unfurls / Cursed from this point on
--- Kalafina: Magia