Commentary on possible use of brmbar...
Divus agree's that they would use the software..only, they are not so big on paying for programing for something that might not be practical or even used in long term. As i said in last email.. i would be happy to pay for the hardware and take it back if they did not use the system. cost 3000-4000 . Divus bar manager agreed that she could help with suppling things to brmbar at cost other words, brmlab could/might set up accounts with supplies that Divus use, and have small orders delivered with their orders at same time. Bar manager also agreed that if the software would be used permanently, that they could/might manage donation to Brmlab. Offer of payment for programming not possible. 12000 crowns would buy good commercial system..


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:01:59 +0100
From: Petr Baudis <>
Subject: [Brmlab] BrmBar - dokumentace
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

  Mili brmlabaci!

  Pokud byste si radi opravili svuj oblibeny bug v brmbaru, pripravil
jsem pro Vas strucnou dokumentaci - jak uzivatelskou (vc. ramcoveho
navodu, jak si zprovoznit lokalni instanci brmbaru), tak programatorskou
(zejmena struktura databaze a zakladni objekty). Odkazy najdete na wiki
strance projektu:

  P.S.: Pokud by se nasli alespon 2-3 vazni zajemci o hackovani brmbaru,
kterym by to udelalo radost, mohl bych nektery vecer udelat komentovany
walk-through kodem brmbaru. Jinak na individualni dotazy na konkretni
zalezitosti samozrejme rad odpovim kdykoliv.

  Happy hacking,

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis

Divus agree's to use the software..only, they are not so big on paying for programing for something that might not be practical. As i said in last email..