On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 01:01:52AM +0100, timothyhobbs@seznam.cz wrote:
Bylo by technické možné tam umístít technické naročnější vybavení jako lazercutery atd. které my brmlabaci by nemohli byt doma ale by rad platili aby mohli na určité hodiny mít k němu přístup?
Tak anglicky:
I would happilly pay by the hour to have access to a lazer cutter, plazma cutter, or other heavy equipment that I cannot reasonably have at home.
For this, the crucial information needed is whether there would be some concrete pieces of equipment provided by concrete people to reside there. (And who/how would manage the access.)
Looking forward to reactions,
Petr "Pasky" Baudis