---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Karel Kyovsky <b00lean@b00lean.net>
Komu: timothyhobbs@seznam.cz
Datum: 1. 4. 2014 5:05:35
Předmět: Re: [Brmlab] Fwd: Google Engineering - aneb proč si pořídit adresu @seznam.cz ;)
congrats.On 31. března 2014 18:16:46 CEST, timothyhobbs@seznam.cz wrote:Od: Alfie BookerKomu: timothyhobbs@seznam.cz
Datum: 31. 3. 2014 13:36:06
Předmět: Google Engineering=Hi Timothy, I'm a technical sourcer at Google working on the expansion of our engineering teams globally.I found your profile on Github (https://github.com/timthelion?tab=repositories) where your exposure to functional programming languages has really caught my eye. How are things going at Seznam?I think that you could potentially be a great fit for our engineering team here at Google as we are currently expanding several teams in our European offices.Would you be interested in having a quick and informal chat sometime about the opportunities we have at the moment?Hope to hear from you soon!Thanks, Alfie.--Google | Alfie Booker | Technical Sourcer
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