Just some feedback, you're message and website look SPAMY, creepy, and weird. They definitely give off icky corporate vibes. This is more than just a matter of style. Neither your "About Us" page nor your Contacts page contain legal information about the ownership of the organization. That's not just weird, that's shady. But looking deeper, it doesn't even look like you are some evil corporate monsters. Google translate tells me that you're run by the chamber of commerce of Rome. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.innovacamera.it%2F&edit-text=&act=url



On 05/06/2018 02:56 AM, Cesar Garcia Saez wrote:
Hi Makers!

My name is César García. I'm co-founder of Makespace Madrid and I'm podcasting at La Hora Maker. My goal for the last 2.5 years has been to highlight maker talent, so more curious people could join and participate into the spaces.

In 2018, I've been asked to help promote European Maker Week (EMW) among active spaces. We've organized activities in previous years too at our Makerspace. In my mind, EMW is a big celebration where European spaces decide to open their doors, or do some activities to invite new people to discover how to tinker, hack and create using technology.

Are you organizing any activity from May 12th-19th? Are you hosting Arduino Day or Scratch Day? Doing open doors? Soldering workshops? You could register any of these events at European Maker Week site to appear listed as participant in the map (like Arduino/Scratch day events). In my experience this allows new people to discover you space and get in touch with other spaces or institutions.

If this sounds nice, please register at https://europeanmakerweek.eu/organize-an-event/ (It will take just 5 minutes! )

Let's celebrate it together!


P.S You can check for other events an activities on the map or using the #EMWeek18 tag on Twitter.

Cesar Garcia - @elsatch
Descubre el mundo maker! 

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