Ahoj, Pavle. Níže a v příloze je popis hackathonu, přičemž my bychom si přáli, aby se členové Brmlabu účastnili (to v každém případě), a v druhé řadě se chci poradit i o organizačních otázkách a možnostech uspořádat hackathon přímo v Orcu... Budu vděčnej za jakoukoliv reakci. Ondřej ---
We need a space to realize the Prague Dance Hackathon (PDH) 2015, taking place the 20. and 21.11. 2015. It should be big enough to provide work space for approximately 35 participants, provided with electricity and preferably with internet connection.
Traditionally hackathons were gatherings of hackers – various specialists get together to work on a certain job – e.g. hack a security system of certain global company. The concept was adapted to fit the format of cultural action with emphasis on connecting creative people and giving them chance to concentrate on team work with specific goal for a short period of time.
PDH will be framed by TRANS(e)MISSION international festival of digital and new media art. It will start a week before hackathon. We also look for space for performances of festival, therefore we would be delighted, if the place would be available from the beginning of the week.
We would be delighted, if current artists-in-residence from Pragovka buildings participate in both events (hackathon, festival) in all possible ways.
Our organization, based in Prague, has 15 years long history of cords-country collaboration in cultural field, especially in Europe. The events we organize, promote and support have high visibility and we believe we earned the reputation of one of the most important cultural NGO in Prague and in middle Europe.