Dik kluci,mozna byla kultura zlikvidovana v poslednich par tydnech, nedavno mi Stevko psal, ze ji nakrmil. Nu snad nekomu dobre slouzi ... Ahoj, Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck
biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker
"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
On Monday, November 3, 2014 6:26 PM, "sachy@s0c4.net" sachy@s0c4.net wrote:
taky si nic takoveho nepamatuju, spis si myslim ze to nekdo vyhodil (jestli to nebylo radne oznaceno) behem uklidu/prestavby kuchynky...
On 3.11.2014 10:18, Radek Pilar wrote:
Ahoj, pri poslednim uklidu jsem nic co by odpovidalo popisu nenasel, mozna si to nekdo vzal domu. M
On 2.11.2014 10:46, Frantisek Apfelbeck wrote:
Zdravim ve spolek, dostal jsem dotaz od jednoho kvasire z Brna, zda bych mu mohl pomoci ziskat mlecna kefirova zrna. Stevko nedavno vymenil mleko zalozni kultury v lednicce, takze by jste nejake meli stale kolem mit. Zajimalo by me, zda nebude mit nekdo brzy cestu do Brna a do Base 48, kde doufam, by se dali po domluve zanechat a dany nadsenec by si je mohl vyzvednout. Takze jede nekdo v blizke budoucnosti danym smerem ?
Dalsi alternativou je poslat to postou, kdyby byl nekdo ochoten, prijemce by zaplatil postovne.
Dik za precteni,
Z Jeju zdravi,
Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck
EN Hi to all, a fermentor based in Brno asked me if it would be possible to get him some milk kefir grains, which backup is still in your fridge enjoying the fresh milk which Stevko added. I wonder if someone doesn't plan a trip to Brno and Base 48, where after the discussion the grains could be hopefully stored for the person to pick it up. So anyone heading that way soon?
Other option would be sending the grains by post with the recipient covering the postage.
Thanks for reading,
Sincerely from Jeju,
biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker
"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
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