Pokusim sa opat trosku popostrcit tuto temu, chcem ludom okolo Confidence coskoro odpisat ...
1) nemame prihlaseny ziaden workshop a momentalne sa ani nic necrta, niekt0 prislubil ze nainstaluje WallOfShame
2) ako sme na tom? projektor/platno mozem teoreticky pozicat z prace ja, ale iba jeden kus z kazdeho
3) zatial sa nikto neprihlasil, ak to tak zostane, pravdepodobne tam pojdeme pomahat ja s niekt0m
4) o toto tiez nikto nema zaujem ... (povodna cena je ~150-170 EUR)
On 03/11/10 14:03, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
k vcera probiranemu tematu Confidence. Je zajem jak o realizatory workshopu, tak A/V techniky. Zaroven i konferencni sleva je o neco vstricnejsi
-------- Original Message -------- Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 13:47:38 +0100 Subject: Re: [ruza@ruza.eu: Re: [Brmlab] [andrzej.targosz@proidea.org.pl: Re: Confidence 2.0 discount for Prague/Bratislava's hackerspaces]] From: Jakub KozioĊ jakub.koziol@proidea.org.pl To: Pavel Ruzicka ruza@ruza.eu, Pavol Luptak pavol.luptak@nethemba.com CC: Andrzej Targosz andrzej.targosz@proidea.org.pl
Sorry for the delay but we were extremely busy with our other conferences. But now we are 100% focused on the CONFidence Conference. It is great to here that we can tie the cooperation. We are planning to open our own Hackerspace in Krakow so It would be additionally great to get some experience from you.
As it comes to the rules/conditions. They seem to be quite simple.
- Workshops - of course organizers of the workshops enter the
conference for free. I think that we are talking here about 3-4 people. Am I right? Please tell me what workshops you can organize for us. We will be preparing the workshop villahe so this information is important to us.
- I have heard from Pavol that guys from Hackerspace can help us with
technical stuff. What would be great to get is: two projectors with screens to play presentations, microphones and video cameras to record the lectures. We can pay for the projectors and microphones in the hotel, but we still need the cameras. As it comes to the quality what we need is to be able to watch the lectures on the computer and be able to read what is written on the presrntations. We do not need any HD. If you could provide the equipment for us the we can give for example 2-3 free conference tickets who will take care of the technical stuff during the conference, playing presentations, recording etc. Of course they will have support from our boys.
- Additionally we would need about 2-3 people who can help us with
preparing the conference rooms/foyer and who know Prague and can help us in case of emergency. We can also let them for free.
- To all other people from Hackerspace or connected to Hackerspace we
can offer the conference tickets with 30-50% discount. I can prepare the discount code if everythings seems ok to you.