Zdravim ve spolek, snazim se nastavit automaticky cerne pozadi a zelenou barvu textu pro jakykoliv google doc ve kterem pracuji (google spread sheet by byl taky prima) aniz bych to musel menit pro tisk (bila stranka, cerny text, klasika) a nejak nenachazim. Snazil jsem se najit nejake templaty a funkcniho nic. Nejlip co jsem svedl je pres File ==> Page Setup ==> Page Colour ==> nastavil sede pozadi. Lze take nastavit barvu pozadi cernou a text zeleny, pak ale musim vse zase menit pro tisk (alespon si to myslim, jeste jsem to nezkusil). Rad bych zkratka byl schopen rychle otevrit dokument/templat, automaticky psal v pro oci prijemnem prostredi, rovnou online a tiskl dle potreby bez nutnosti zmen. Kdyby mel Google nejaky Vim modul, tak bych se vubec nezlobil ci moznost synchronizace, ze bych psal na svem pocitaci pod Vimem a nejak rozumne by se to automticky zalohovalo pod Google doc ...
Moc dik za radu ci potvrzeni, ze mam smulu.
Ahoj Frantisek
Hi to all,
I'm looking for a way how to set a black bacground and green text in a kind of automatic manner in the google docs so I can work in a nice environment for my eyes. I would like to have some template or automatic option so I do not have to switch the colours of the text before printing. If I go for File ==> Page Setup ==> Page Colour ==> I can set the bacground black and after that change text colour for green but I have to do all of this manualy and I would have to change the text colour before printing I assume (maybe even the background colour). So I wonder if there is some template which I can just click on for the new doc document (or spreadsheet) and rock and roll. If there was some Vim module under Google that would be lovely! Also the option of writing on my machine in Vim and having some automatic transfer/synchronization system to the Google doc would be nice ... Many thanks for any thoughts,
Frantisek Algoldor Apfelbeck
biotechnologist&kvasir and hacker
"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi