A tady jsou záznamy z podobného předmětu z loňska: http://nat.brmlab.cz/talks/video/warwick/
On 22.10.2013 18:01, Petr Baudis wrote:
Ahoj, nekoho by mohlo zajimat:
----- Forwarded message -----
Dear students,
we would like to inform you that a course "BIONICS (XEP33BIO)" will be lectured this winter semester.
This course will be lectured by Professor Kevin Warwick (see http://www.kevinwarwick.com/ http://www.kevinwarwick.com/)
and the first lecture will take place on Thursday November 14th 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. in the room KN:G-205.
(the second lecture will take place on Thursday December 19th 2013 in the same time and place).
14 Nov 2013:
Bionics 1 - Introduction + what is Bionics all about + simple examples,
Bionics 2 - Can we build a human from bionic body parts?,
Bionics 3 - Animals and Experiments, icl. Pavlov, Delgado.
19 Dec 2013:
Bionics 4 - Artificial limbs, legs and arms,
Bionics 5 - Deep Brain Stimulation, principally for therapy,
Bionics 6 - Human Enhancement.
(PS: It is as well possible not to register for this course at all and still attend individual lectures that you'd be interested in.
You are also invited to visit the lectures even in case that you no longer need credits.)
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