Hello Brmlab!

I'm the Tech and Workshop editor at Instructables.com, and also a member of Noisebridge in San Francisco. I'd like to get to know you, help your members share projects and get more attention and generally help support your hackerspace. Here are some of the things we're currently doing - let me know if you have more ideas.

Free stuff for your hackerspace:
We're sponsoring free Instructables Pro accounts for hackerspace members. Let me know if your group would be interested - these are a $25/year value, and we could sponsor up to 20 of your members. I can also run free geotargeted ads for your hackerspace to boost awareness of and membership in your group, and even hook you up with some Instructables schwag.

Win awesome tools:  
We're currently giving away a laser cutter and shop tools in our Epilog Challenge, and will run more big contests with prizes like 3D printers and other tools which are perfect for outfitting your space. Individual or group projects are eligible.

If you have more questions, comments, or suggestions, or just want to talk, shoot me an email!  


Laura Khalil
Editor: Technology, Workshop, Outside, Play
