Mili BRMaci!
Co si o nize uvedenem napadu (vypravit se na Metaday - zrejme trochu obdoba nasich lightning talku, ale s predsunutou delsi hostovanou prednaskou) myslite? Mne to prijde jako super napad (a mohli bychom pozvani casem Metalabakum oplatit), jen nevim, jestli se tak rychle je schopne utrhnout smysluplne mnozstvi lidi, abychom zvladli brmlab pekne predstavit - tak se ozvete, kdo byste chteli do Vidne bud 7.10. nebo zacatkem prosince.
----- Forwarded message from Peter Kuhm -----
Dear brmlab,
I'm not aware that we've talked at Finowfurt (which is a pity) but I met some of you earlier this year at the Progressbar opening.
Would you like to to hold the Metaday main talk on the evening of Friday Okt. 7th presenting your space and some of your projects (electronics, biolab, whatever,..)
This is our monthly event for a broader audience - though technical understanding can be assumed.
cf. ff.
We invite cool experts on mixed interesting topics, journalists, – and the neighbouring hackerspace community, e.g. - Viktor from - the Bratislava connection - stef from H.A.C.K.
Unfortunately we can't offer an appropriate fee but EUR 100,- for some travel expenses compensation – and it should be possible to find a sleeping place for the weekend at the home of one of our couchsurfers at Metalab.
If you like to but can't make it on Oct. 7 we could talk about a December date too.
you can always jabber me at or
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