My name is Laura Gallardo. I am a Spanish student in the Master "Communication and education in the network: from the information society to the knowledge society" (UNED, Spain). I'm interested in researching issues related to learning and digital technologies.
At present, I'm doing my final research project for the masters (BA), which I entitled "Open Social Learning Crowdmap. Building alternative ways...", which aims to study the potential of geolocation applications of mobile devices for the construction of an environment Crowdmap. To do this, we have considered the Ushahidi platform Crowdmap as the right tool to be able to geolocate the object of study, in this case, the spaces for action and entities (Public Private Partnerships, PPP), that use digital technology as a resource to offer LEARNING (focusing on the learner) that is SOCIAL (co-creation and collective use of knowledge) and OPEN (based on the reusability of the learning object): living labs, citilabs, hacklabs, fab labs and World Wide labs.
These new organizations, "labs", like yours , co-create, collaborate, build alternative roads every day to achieve real change in the way we learn, innovate, work, live, enjoy ... it is very important for my research that you Geolocate in Crowdmap, by completing the attached form, which will take just a few minutes. It can include any type of information (text, image, video), that you deem appropriate and are interested in broadcasting.
The result would be a Crowdmap with instant updates through the information generated by the actors, which would enhance the visualization, dissemination, communication and interaction between groups and individuals, with common interests. In addition, OSL Crowdmap could be an ideal mechanism for the dissemination of knowledge, both for those who don’t know the subject and those who are already involved in it. It also allows visualization of social change and open innovation processes and learning, which you are working in every day.
You can make a REPORT from your smartphone, blackberry, tablet or PC… It only takes a few minutes. For this:
1.Enter the page of "Open Social Learning Crowdmap"
2.There are six tabs in the navigation bar:
·HOME: Displays the main page that includes a map, categories, updated reports, and contact information.
·REPORTS: Displays and filters reports
·SUBMIT A REPORT: Fill in the fields that appear empty and include the information in the format that you consider relevant and finally, click "Submit".
·GET ALERTS: Selection of alerts based on user interests.
·CONTACT US: Send ideas, questions, complaints... and any information that you feel is important for improving the project.
·ABOUT US: Summarizes the objectives, rationale for the project and participant information.
3.Enter the tab "SUBMIT A REPORT", complete the fields with the required information, select the category that you see fit, and click "SUBMIT."
Thanking you in advance for your collaboration.
Yours faithfully,
Laura Gallardo Escalona.
Final research project in the Master "Communication and education in the network: from the information society to the knowledge society" (UNED, Spain).