-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Is-l] pozvanka na prednasku: How genomes help us understand human history Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 16:38:58 +0200 From: Petr Danecek petr.danecek@gmail.com To: is-l is-l@ms.mff.cuni.cz
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Přednášku na téma
How genomes help us understand human history
Stephan Schiffels, Max Planck Institute
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Se srdečným pozdravem Petr Daněček a Martin Loebl
Abstract: The availability of complete human genome sequences from populations across the world has given rise to new population genetic inference methods that allow unprecedented insight into human population history. Here I will introduce two such methods that allowed us to infer historical human population sizes and the emergence of population substructure across the world. The first method, MSMC, explicitly models ancestral relationships under recombination and mutation of multiple genome sequences. Results from applying MSMC to genome sequences from nine populations across the world suggest that the genetic separation of non- African ancestors from African Yoruban ancestors started long before 50,000 years ago and give information about human population history as recent as 2,000 years ago, including the bottleneck in the peopling of the Americas and separations within Africa, East Asia and Europe. The second method, rarecoal, infers population history and identifies fine-scale genetic ancestry from rare genetic variants. I show an application of this method to ancient DNA retrieved from British skeletons dating to the Iron Age and the Anglo-Saxon period. Using rarecoal we find that the Anglo-Saxon samples are closely related to modern Dutch and Danish populations, while the Iron Age samples share ancestors with multiple Northern European populations including Britain.
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