It's a 2500 km drive back-and-forth, which is a bit much to do in one go. Also, there's plenty of hackerspaces on the way I'd like to visit, and yours is one of them.
You will certainly be welcome, we're looking forward to seeing you! Just remind us few days ahead, please. ;-) I think it's likely that someone will offer you a couch then and sleeping over in the hackerspace for a single night should be possible as a last resort option too.
Hope you will welcome me into your space, and can put me up for one night. I'd be happy to cook my host a meal, and of course I will be reporting on my travels on Signal again and blog all about it. As a bonus, each space I visit will be decorated with a cute RevSpace LED (like this https://revspace.nl/NX :)
Yay \o/