Z tej diskusie podstatna vec, co sa tyka enforcovania pravidiel:
How do you deal with general mess made by people?
We grumble and clean it up. Area captains spend a couple hours a month making sure their areas are usable. Personally, if I've noticed a lot of tools left out, I'll spend some time working on tool storage rather than my own projects. """
Tj. niekto to musi uklidit, co znamena ze bud to spravi "mentor" alebo donuti toho, kto to sposobil, aby to uklidil (zase sme u enforcovania pravidiel). Co si tak vsimam jediny mentor, ktoreho vidim pravidelnejsie, je mentor toiletlabu.
Vobec spustu tych rieseni vyzaduje, aby tam niekto casto bol a nieco riesil.