
thanks a lot for taking time to meet me. It was really cool to popup in another hackerspace:) 

Below I send you some stuff - but if someone from Locus network would like to show up at Mediafabric I can get you some sponsored tickets. Let me know - I promised you sth like 5 sponsored tickets.

Visual essays on media's convergent future
At the intersection of journalism, technology and software, there lies an uncertain but promising future. Now is a time for inspirational figures to shape this future with their visions.

You can find more about the event: http://conference.sourcefabric.org/ here. It would be superb to see you there!


It's a two day event in Prague - like a hackathon but dedicated to media and journalism. We are inviting Prague developers to join us for two days of nice hacking and coding, demos of cool stuff in Hotel Praha.
We will demoing cool stuff for radio people, music, devs, journos and so on.
