I used to connect from my device, but it's been ages since I connected. Does the server deactivate a key after a while if it hasn't been used? It says my public key is invalid. As I was trying to diagnose it, unfortunately another problem arose... the server is refusing to connect with via IP block or perhaps my key. Oops! What now?
On 12/12/2016 01:41 AM, Mario Lombardo wrote:
I used to connect from my device, but it's been ages since I connected. Does the server deactivate a key after a while if it hasn't been used?
no Key You have configured on server is: 2048 0d:4e:a1:5b:99:da:cc:55:16:cc:cf:b6:1c:41:3b:0d oldrambo (RSA)
It says my public key is invalid. As I was trying to diagnose it, unfortunately another problem arose... the server is refusing to connect with via IP block or perhaps my key. Oops! What now?
I see no tries regarding your account. Could send me the exact time of your tries?
The only IP that was banned today because of recurring unsuccessful attempts was (tmcz.cz) because of "fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method [preauth]"
What is an output of "ssh -V" or your ssh client version?
Send me your IP.. http://nat.brmlab.cz/ip
Could You send me output of 'ssh -v oldrambo@nat.brmlab.cz' command?
Better reply privately. ruza