Dear Brmlab,
I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time. We are studying at the Central European University in Budapest and we are researching Hacker-spaces in Central and East Europe. We have found your contact information on the website. We are researching hacker spaces, hacker conferences, IT security companies, and hacker blog spaces.
Can you please answer these questions?
1. What are the most popular IT security and hacker blogs in your country? 2. What are the most popular hacker spaces in your country? 3. Are your members students or professionals? 4. How many members are interested in going to an IT security or hacker conferences? 5. What are the main IT security/hacker conferences in your country?
Thank you for your response. May we ask more questions?
Our team can communicate in English, German, Russian and Hungarian.
Thank you for your time,
Tony, Tobias and Nurbek.
The goal of or research is to establish how active the community is in each country. We are working on building networks within each country of contacts so that we can capture all the blogs, hackerspaces and IT security companies.
We do not have much information about your country. Do you know of any blogs in the country?
Thank you for your feedback!
On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Tony T wrote:
Dear Brmlab,
I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time. We are studying at the Central European University in Budapest and we are researching Hacker-spaces in Central and East Europe. We have found your contact information on the website. We are researching hacker spaces, hacker conferences, IT security companies, and hacker blog spaces.
Can you please answer these questions?
- What are the most popular IT security and hacker blogs in your
country? 2. What are the most popular hacker spaces in your country? 3. Are your members students or professionals? 4. How many members are interested in going to an IT security or hacker conferences? 5. What are the main IT security/hacker conferences in your country?
Thank you for your response. May we ask more questions?
Our team can communicate in English, German, Russian and Hungarian.
Thank you for your time,
Tony, Tobias and Nurbek.