-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Is-l] prednaska 3.7. 10:00 FIT CVUT - Kate Smith-Miles, Monash University Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 15:39:25 +0200 (CEST) From: Jiri Sgall sgall@iuuk.mff.cuni.cz To: is-l@mff.cuni.cz
Vazeni kolegove,
preposilam oznameni prednasky na FIT, ktera by mohla byt zajimava i pro nekoho z nasi sekce.
Jiri Sgall
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Pøedná¹ka o metaoptimalizaci, Kate Smith Miles, Monash University, FIT CVUT, patek 3.7. 10h
Kolegynì, kolegové,
dovolte abychom vás pozvali na pøedná¹ku
Kate Smith-Miles, Monash University
Understanding strengths and weaknesses of optimization algorithms with new visualization tools and methodologies
Objective assessment of optimization algorithm performance is notoriously difficult, with conclusions often inadvertently biased towards the chosen test instances. Rather than reporting average performance of algorithms across a set of chosen instances, we discuss a new methodology to enable the strengths and weaknesses of different optimization algorithms to be compared across a broader instance space. Results will be presented on TSP, timetabling and graph coloring to demonstrate: (i) how pockets of the instance space can be found where algorithm performance varies significantly from the average performance of an algorithm; (ii) how the properties of the instances can be used to predict algorithm performance on previously unseen instances with high accuracy; (iii) how the relative strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm can be visualized and measured objectively; and (iv) how new test instances can be generated to fill the instance space and provide desired insights into algorithmic power.
About the Speaker
Kate Smith-Miles is a Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Monash University, Australia, where she is also Director of MAXIMA (the Monash Academy for Cross & Interdisciplinary Mathematical Applications). She has published 2 books and over 220 refereed journal and international conference papers in the areas of neural networks, combinatorial optimization, intelligent systems and data mining. She serves as an Area Editor for Computers & Operations Research, and has been program chair for several international conferences including the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. From 2007-2008 she was Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Data Mining (IEEE Computational Intelligence Society). She is an elected Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia and the Australian Mathematical Society. She was awarded the Australian Mathematical Society Medal in 2010 for distinguished research. In addition to her academic activities, she also regularly acts as a consultant to industry in the areas of optimisation, data mining, and intelligent systems.
S pozdravem,
Pavel Kordik