Ahoj! Abych vas jeste trochu nalakal na pristi utery, preposilam cerstvou hromadu odkazu k DIY Bio, od kolegy z MIT Media Lab, ktery delal o danem tematu na Fab6 konferenci osvetu. A prestavam spamovat :) alwalda
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jean-Baptiste LABRUNE labrune@media.mit.edu
Dear All, here is the link to some ressources I mentionned during our Fab foo session during Fab6.nl conference about the opportunity of creating a wet lab in a fablab and of the potential relationships between the two networks. http://diybio.org/ http://www.biocurious.org http://hackteria.org/ Cooking for geeks http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596805890 a rapid poster i made about DIY Bio Kits: http://web.media.mit.edu/~labrune/estives/biokit/ http://2010.igem.org http://www.openwetware.org http://bosslab.org/ http://diybionyc.blogspot.com/ ARS Electronica Futurelab Wet Lab in the Fablab: http://www.aec.at/futurelab_about_en.php%C2%A0( contact irene.posch@aec.at ) http://biodisplay.tyrell.hu/ http://www.artsgenomics.org/ http://bio.tmplab.org/ http://www.heybrian.com/ A lot of good idea of projects, things to do were discussed during this meeting, among them, doing a bio inventory of items and machines to start a wet lab, lots of good idea of machines for biological research to make. Now it could be nice maybe to create a page somewhere to link to bio resources in the fab network. Cheers, Jb -- http://web.media.mit.edu/~labrune/ Jean-Baptiste LABRUNE Tangible Media Group MIT Media Lab 20 Ames St E14-464C Cambridge, MA 02139, USA