Zdravim ve spolek! Vzhledem k Vasemi zajmu o quad copters by tato aktivita mohla zaujmout. Jinak az to vsechno date dohromady, tak bych to pouzil az budu zase v Chiapas se Zapatisty, proti teroru Mexicke armady.
Mejte se prima,
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Rubin Abdi rubin@starset.net To: discuss@lists.hackerspaces.org Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2011 6:28 PM Subject: [hackerspaces] Quad and Helicopters for Occupy?
Yesterday this video made its rounds on the net...
And now there's a large group of us in San Francisco (some Noisebridge, some not) and elsewhere in the world that want to build RC quad and helicopters for monitoring peaceful protests, possibly live streaming via GSM/CDMA, and other toys attachments.
Are you into quadcopters and are interesting in knowledge sharing, it would be awesome of you to join in!
If you're want to participating in the discussion...
I've also started a very empty wiki page...