FYI - chalani viete si pripravit na Confidence 2.0 (29-30.11) nejaky zaujimavy workshop o Prazskom hackerspace ? (mala by to byt demonstracia vsetkeho co viete, vasich robotov a inych zaujimavych projektov, pripadne elektronicky workshop podobny ako robil Mitch). Bude to pre Vas dobre promo a sucasne a Confidence to spravi zaujimavejsim. Vdaka za info.
Este uvadzam, ze kde cela konferencia bude -
Confidence bude unikatny akurat v tom, ze to bude zrejme jedina cisto technologicka nemarketingova, neproduktova IT security konferencia so svetovymi prednasajucimi...
----- Forwarded message from Andrzej Targosz -----
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 14:23:53 +0200 From: Andrzej Targosz To: Pavol Luptak CC: Jakub Kozioł Subject: Re: Confidence 2.0 discount for Prague/Bratislava's hackerspaces X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.24) Professional
Hi guys, just for information - is it possible to provide some Confidence 2.0 special discounts (voucher codes) for active hackerspace members in Prague and Bratislava?
Sure, I agree. We should definitely prepare nice discount for them.
At least in Prague they are very electronically skilled (they created their own Brmbot robot, see a won few robotic competitions ) and can help Confidence to organize some interesting workshops (e.g. robots, interesting hardware, etc), see . What is really important they are mostly local Prague people, so they can also do good promotion for this event. So personally I think, special support for these guys makes a sense.
Is it possible to prepare something similar to Mitch electronic workshop's? Regards
neco pripravene urcite bude. Nase ucast je ale taky dost zavisla na tom zda i po nas budou vyzadovane nejake konferecni poplatky, pripadne koli kby byl ten discount.
Jsou uz tedy jasne konkretnejsi podminky?
On 10/03/2010 04:17 PM, Pavol Luptak wrote:
FYI - chalani viete si pripravit na Confidence 2.0 (29-30.11) nejaky zaujimavy workshop o Prazskom hackerspace ? (mala by to byt demonstracia vsetkeho co viete, vasich robotov a inych zaujimavych projektov, pripadne elektronicky workshop podobny ako robil Mitch). Bude to pre Vas dobre promo a sucasne a Confidence to spravi zaujimavejsim. Vdaka za info.
Este uvadzam, ze kde cela konferencia bude -
Confidence bude unikatny akurat v tom, ze to bude zrejme jedina cisto technologicka nemarketingova, neproduktova IT security konferencia so svetovymi prednasajucimi...
----- Forwarded message from Andrzej Targosz -----
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 14:23:53 +0200 From: Andrzej Targosz To: Pavol Luptak CC: Jakub Kozioł Subject: Re: Confidence 2.0 discount for Prague/Bratislava's hackerspaces X-Mailer: The Bat! (v4.0.24) Professional
Hi guys, just for information - is it possible to provide some Confidence 2.0 special discounts (voucher codes) for active hackerspace members in Prague and Bratislava?
Sure, I agree. We should definitely prepare nice discount for them.
At least in Prague they are very electronically skilled (they created their own Brmbot robot, see a won few robotic competitions ) and can help Confidence to organize some interesting workshops (e.g. robots, interesting hardware, etc), see . What is really important they are mostly local Prague people, so they can also do good promotion for this event. So personally I think, special support for these guys makes a sense.
Is it possible to prepare something similar to Mitch electronic workshop's? Regards
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