We are building a tool to help makerspaces save time and effort managing its operations so that you can focus on the community and the members experience. We are hoping this tool will enable many more amazing makerspaces around the world.
Can you help us build this tool by filling up this short survey. It will take only 5 mins of your time. https://docs.google.com/a/makeystreet.com/forms/d/10gz5qdliLdeclAYyl0dOaAXuh... http://s.bl-1.com/h/jrZWTSW
*Take this survey and we will send you access to a free tool:* We will send you access to a free tool to easily showcase all the projects done at your makerspace to the rest of the world. It will make it easy for others to know about the cool stuff that are "made in your makerspace"
we may be interested in contributing. Where is the source code?
---------- Původní zpráva ---------- Od: Alex J V alex@makeystreet.com Komu: Siddardha Garimella gsiddardha@makeystreet.com Datum: 6. 8. 2014 12:31:09 Předmět: [Brmlab] Makerspace membership management tool
We are building a tool to help makerspaces save time and effort managing its operations so that you can focus on the community and the members experience. We are hoping this tool will enable many more amazing makerspaces around the world.
Can you help us build this tool by filling up this short survey. It will take only 5 mins of your time. https://docs.google.com/a/makeystreet.com/forms/d/10gz5qdliLdeclAYyl0 dOaAXuhfrY-TAGu0Cs0OiyFmU/viewform?usp=send_form (http://s.bl-1.com/h/jrZWTSW)
Take this survey and we will send you access to a free tool:
We will send you access to a free tool to easily showcase all the projects done at your makerspace to the rest of the world. It will make it easy for others to know about the cool stuff that are "made in your makerspace"