Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
2014-12-13 17:59 GMT+01:00 mrkva@mrkva.eu:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
On 13/12/14 18:19, BIITER wrote:
2014-12-13 17:59 GMT+01:00 mrkva@mrkva.eu:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Mrkvo zaloz si vlastni hackerspace ... s blackjackem ... a d*****a :) (citace Bendra z Futuramy ) On Dec 13, 2014 6:20 PM, "BIITER" mybiiter@gmail.com wrote:
2014-12-13 17:59 GMT+01:00 mrkva@mrkva.eu:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
z [hackerpaces] ML:
"What do you think, I believe it really changes how the whole space works, and how members behave if you have payed staff or volunteers. Also it changes the commitment in tasks. .... In our space, we had payed staff, but members behaved more like costumers who wanted their services to be perfect, than an active community that does things not only with their own projects,but also for the space. Payed staff was with a low wage, but they where happy they could get enough to get by, and build a community, help around... But their was also the feeling that it would be good to engage in the possibility of giving rotation to the staff. For example: people that came in, wanted to help .needed the money, and really wanted to be staff. Why shouldn't they get a chance? So we thought that maybe voting for a staff and rotating it could be a good idea. But we are not sure."
"we had this discussion before at metalab vienna. there is a makerspace in vienna where they have paid staff. the whole culture there is VERY different from ours. we decided we dont want this for our space and that voluntary engagement is a very important part of staying open and selfregulating. this works so lala for metalab, could be better, could be much worse. especially cleaning and maintaining all the hardware is a tedious struggle, but i doubt it would be more efficient if people would be paid to take care of this tasks. in fact it would make everyone else not contribute anymore.
we DO have a paid cleaning company coming in one day a week for 4 hours to clean the toilets and mob the floors. that was a very good decision."
On 12/13/2014 05:59 PM, mrkva@mrkva.eu wrote:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
No nevím, mě je nějaká placená "úklidová služba" docela proti srsti. Pak už tam bordel budou nechávat opravdu všichni. Bohatě by stačilo kdyby si každý po sobě uklidil, resp. dodržoval alespoň pár jednoduchých věcí jako:
Když tisknu na reprapu a z nějakého důvodu nedostiknu tak ten nedotištěný model hodím do koše a nenechám na stole. Když vrtám/brousím a zaseru prachem stůl tak ho otřu, podlahu zametu. Když leptám/barvím tak ten stůl utřu už preventivně aby se ten kdo tam přijde po mě nezasral od chloridu/barvy. Když mám něco rozdělaného a nemůžu si to hodit do krabice tak na to alespoň hodím cedulku se jménem. Když používám gluegun/kleště/kladivo/cokoliv dalšího tak to vrátím tam odkud jsem to vzal.
Zkrátka se nechovat jako prase. Každého akorát otráví když musí hodinu uklízet bordel co zůstal po ostatních aby si mohl něco ubastlit.
Jinak, upozorňuju že neoznačené věci (vyjma společných/erárních) které při příštím úklidu vyhodnotím jako bordel skončí bez výčitek v koši. Připomínky kdyžtak na meetupu.
Brm! M
On 16.12.2014 00:21, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
z [hackerpaces] ML:
"What do you think, I believe it really changes how the whole space works, and how members behave if you have payed staff or volunteers. Also it changes the commitment in tasks. .... In our space, we had payed staff, but members behaved more like costumers who wanted their services to be perfect, than an active community that does things not only with their own projects,but also for the space. Payed staff was with a low wage, but they where happy they could get enough to get by, and build a community, help around... But their was also the feeling that it would be good to engage in the possibility of giving rotation to the staff. For example: people that came in, wanted to help .needed the money, and really wanted to be staff. Why shouldn't they get a chance? So we thought that maybe voting for a staff and rotating it could be a good idea. But we are not sure."
"we had this discussion before at metalab vienna. there is a makerspace in vienna where they have paid staff. the whole culture there is VERY different from ours. we decided we dont want this for our space and that voluntary engagement is a very important part of staying open and selfregulating. this works so lala for metalab, could be better, could be much worse. especially cleaning and maintaining all the hardware is a tedious struggle, but i doubt it would be more efficient if people would be paid to take care of this tasks. in fact it would make everyone else not contribute anymore.
we DO have a paid cleaning company coming in one day a week for 4 hours to clean the toilets and mob the floors. that was a very good decision."
On 12/13/2014 05:59 PM, mrkva@mrkva.eu wrote:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
Chtel jsem tim rict a evidentne to potvrzuji i zkusenosti z jinych hackerspaces/makerspaces ze existuji minimalne dva pristpy. Jeden je, ze fungovani zajistuje komunita (tim ze skladame na najem, uklizime po sobe i po ostatnich, atd), druhy ze komunita za to nekomu plati. Druha varianta psychologicky inklinuje k tomu ze se platici prestavaji chovat jako komunita a zacinaji se chovat jako zakaznici ("za tohle vam platim a chci aby to bylo odvedeno v patricne kvalite", mam sklon reklamovat pokud se mi neco nelibi misto toho abych sam sebral sebe nebo par dalsich a neco s tim udelal). Osobne si mi vic libi prvni pristup, ale ten ma zas tu nevyhodu, ze je to "vecny boj". A pak je tu varianta ktera je kombinaci obou kdy neni placeny nekdo z komunity ale plati se externimu subjektu, coz je drahe a vyzaduje to duveru mezi temito subjekty. Kazda ze zminenych variant ma sve vyhody a nevyhody.
On 12/16/2014 12:26 PM, Radek Pilar wrote:
No nevím, mě je nějaká placená "úklidová služba" docela proti srsti. Pak už tam bordel budou nechávat opravdu všichni. Bohatě by stačilo kdyby si každý po sobě uklidil, resp. dodržoval alespoň pár jednoduchých věcí jako:
Když tisknu na reprapu a z nějakého důvodu nedostiknu tak ten nedotištěný model hodím do koše a nenechám na stole. Když vrtám/brousím a zaseru prachem stůl tak ho otřu, podlahu zametu. Když leptám/barvím tak ten stůl utřu už preventivně aby se ten kdo tam přijde po mě nezasral od chloridu/barvy. Když mám něco rozdělaného a nemůžu si to hodit do krabice tak na to alespoň hodím cedulku se jménem. Když používám gluegun/kleště/kladivo/cokoliv dalšího tak to vrátím tam odkud jsem to vzal.
Zkrátka se nechovat jako prase. Každého akorát otráví když musí hodinu uklízet bordel co zůstal po ostatních aby si mohl něco ubastlit.
Jinak, upozorňuju že neoznačené věci (vyjma společných/erárních) které při příštím úklidu vyhodnotím jako bordel skončí bez výčitek v koši. Připomínky kdyžtak na meetupu.
Brm! M
On 16.12.2014 00:21, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
z [hackerpaces] ML:
"What do you think, I believe it really changes how the whole space works, and how members behave if you have payed staff or volunteers. Also it changes the commitment in tasks. .... In our space, we had payed staff, but members behaved more like costumers who wanted their services to be perfect, than an active community that does things not only with their own projects,but also for the space. Payed staff was with a low wage, but they where happy they could get enough to get by, and build a community, help around... But their was also the feeling that it would be good to engage in the possibility of giving rotation to the staff. For example: people that came in, wanted to help .needed the money, and really wanted to be staff. Why shouldn't they get a chance? So we thought that maybe voting for a staff and rotating it could be a good idea. But we are not sure."
"we had this discussion before at metalab vienna. there is a makerspace in vienna where they have paid staff. the whole culture there is VERY different from ours. we decided we dont want this for our space and that voluntary engagement is a very important part of staying open and selfregulating. this works so lala for metalab, could be better, could be much worse. especially cleaning and maintaining all the hardware is a tedious struggle, but i doubt it would be more efficient if people would be paid to take care of this tasks. in fact it would make everyone else not contribute anymore.
we DO have a paid cleaning company coming in one day a week for 4 hours to clean the toilets and mob the floors. that was a very good decision."
On 12/13/2014 05:59 PM, mrkva@mrkva.eu wrote:
Dalsi den, dalsi rant... Kurna, to je takovej problem to po sobe v HW labu uklidit? TOHLE UZ DOPRDELE NENI NORMALNI!
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Mne se tenhle napad docela libi.
"At revspace.nl we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now."
zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Social invention +1
Greets to revspace.nl
-----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu
Mne se tenhle napad docela libi.
"At revspace.nl we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now."
zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel a napadlo me ze by to slo resit nasim, v soucasne dobre jiz pouzivanym, brmbar softwarem. Kazdy ukol by byl zvlastni item, ktery by se v definovatelnych intervalech (tyden, 14dni, mesic) napr skriptem v cronu naskladnen jako zvlastni item. Napr.
Uklid SocRoom - vytreni podlahy Uklid SocRoom - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid HWlab - vytreni podlahy Uklid HWlab - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid BrmBar - Inventura Uklid Chemlab - Uklid Biolab -
Kazde jako zvlast item kde rozdil mezi nakupni a prodejni cenou bude odmena pro toho kdo danou vec obstara. Cena muze byt pro kazdy item ruzna dle narocnosti a popularity. Zaroven by melo jit generovat report co se udelalo, podivat se co je potreba udelat, pripadne zjistit komu reklamovat ze vcera udajne uklidil a dnes to tak nevypada, upravit cenu pro motivaci.
On 23. prosince 2014 16:25:03 CET, George Blackhead blackhead@blackhead.cz wrote:
Social invention +1
Greets to revspace.nl http://revspace.nl
-----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu
Mne se tenhle napad docela libi.
"At revspace.nl http://revspace.nl we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now."
zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
podla mna super napad nieco podobne som navrhoval kedysi davno a vtedy to nepreslo ... so lets see :) za mna ++
2014-12-29 11:45 GMT+01:00 Pavel Ruzicka ruza@ruza.eu:
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel a napadlo me ze by to slo resit nasim, v soucasne dobre jiz pouzivanym, brmbar softwarem. Kazdy ukol by byl zvlastni item, ktery by se v definovatelnych intervalech (tyden, 14dni, mesic) napr skriptem v cronu naskladnen jako zvlastni item. Napr.
Uklid SocRoom - vytreni podlahy Uklid SocRoom - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid HWlab - vytreni podlahy Uklid HWlab - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid BrmBar - Inventura Uklid Chemlab - Uklid Biolab -
Kazde jako zvlast item kde rozdil mezi nakupni a prodejni cenou bude odmena pro toho kdo danou vec obstara. Cena muze byt pro kazdy item ruzna dle narocnosti a popularity. Zaroven by melo jit generovat report co se udelalo, podivat se co je potreba udelat, pripadne zjistit komu reklamovat ze vcera udajne uklidil a dnes to tak nevypada, upravit cenu pro motivaci.
ruza On 23. prosince 2014 16:25:03 CET, George Blackhead blackhead@blackhead.cz blackhead@blackhead.cz wrote:
Social invention +1
Greets to revspace.nl
-----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu
Mne se tenhle napad docela libi.
"At revspace.nl we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now."
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Ja by som len upozornil ze pri ciste ekonomickom pohlade na vec velmi rychlo narazime na limity. Uz len preto ze pre ludi ako ja je akekolvek pracovanie brmlab za $$ (ekonomicky) nezmysel. Dokonca myslim ze po prepocitani vsetkych nakladov to plati tak pre 80% brmlabakov.
Druhotne sa trochu bojim aby sa to nevnimalo ako "platim si sluzbu, nedostavam dostatocnu sluzbu", ked to ludia zacnu brat stylom ze to po mne niekto uprace, vysledok moze byt trochu kontraproduktivny.
Dalsi dosledok premienania vsetkeho na ekonomicky aspekt moze byt ten ze ludia sa skutocne na vsetko zacnu pozerat ze ekonomicky aspekt. Preco by som mal nosit veci do brmbaru bez odmeny ked za xxx je odmena? preco by som mal ..., ... ... To moze byt v konecnom dosledku pre fungovanie labu zase kontraproduktivne.
Ale inak suhlasim s tym ze dohodnut sa s niektorou uklizeckou aby z casu na cas vzala podlahy moze byt prinosne. Sam sa snazim ist aspon trochu prikladom, ale vacsina ludi sa ukazuje byt voci prikladom obdivuhodne odolna.
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:45:28AM +0100, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel a napadlo me ze by to slo resit nasim, v soucasne dobre jiz pouzivanym, brmbar softwarem. Kazdy ukol by byl zvlastni item, ktery by se v definovatelnych intervalech (tyden, 14dni, mesic) napr skriptem v cronu naskladnen jako zvlastni item. Napr.
Uklid SocRoom - vytreni podlahy Uklid SocRoom - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid HWlab - vytreni podlahy Uklid HWlab - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid BrmBar - Inventura Uklid Chemlab - Uklid Biolab -
Kazde jako zvlast item kde rozdil mezi nakupni a prodejni cenou bude odmena pro toho kdo danou vec obstara. Cena muze byt pro kazdy item ruzna dle narocnosti a popularity. Zaroven by melo jit generovat report co se udelalo, podivat se co je potreba udelat, pripadne zjistit komu reklamovat ze vcera udajne uklidil a dnes to tak nevypada, upravit cenu pro motivaci.
On 23. prosince 2014 16:25:03 CET, George Blackhead blackhead@blackhead.cz wrote:
Social invention +1 Greets to revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> BH -----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu Mne se tenhle napad docela libi. "At revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now." zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Ale inak suhlasim s tym ze dohodnut sa s niektorou uklizeckou aby z casu na cas vzala podlahy moze byt prinosne. Sam sa snazim ist aspon trochu prikladom, ale vacsina ludi sa ukazuje byt voci prikladom obdivuhodne odolna.
Možná máš jenom moc nízký threshold toho, jak moc špinavá podlaha tě donutí k akci…
On 29.12.2014 12:45, niekt0 wrote:
Ja by som len upozornil ze pri ciste ekonomickom pohlade na vec velmi rychlo narazime na limity. Uz len preto ze pre ludi ako ja je akekolvek pracovanie brmlab za $$ (ekonomicky) nezmysel. Dokonca myslim ze po prepocitani vsetkych nakladov to plati tak pre 80% brmlabakov.
Druhotne sa trochu bojim aby sa to nevnimalo ako "platim si sluzbu, nedostavam dostatocnu sluzbu", ked to ludia zacnu brat stylom ze to po mne niekto uprace, vysledok moze byt trochu kontraproduktivny.
Dalsi dosledok premienania vsetkeho na ekonomicky aspekt moze byt ten ze ludia sa skutocne na vsetko zacnu pozerat ze ekonomicky aspekt. Preco by som mal nosit veci do brmbaru bez odmeny ked za xxx je odmena? preco by som mal ..., ... ... To moze byt v konecnom dosledku pre fungovanie labu zase kontraproduktivne.
Ale inak suhlasim s tym ze dohodnut sa s niektorou uklizeckou aby z casu na cas vzala podlahy moze byt prinosne. Sam sa snazim ist aspon trochu prikladom, ale vacsina ludi sa ukazuje byt voci prikladom obdivuhodne odolna.
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:45:28AM +0100, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel a napadlo me ze by to slo resit nasim, v soucasne dobre jiz pouzivanym, brmbar softwarem. Kazdy ukol by byl zvlastni item, ktery by se v definovatelnych intervalech (tyden, 14dni, mesic) napr skriptem v cronu naskladnen jako zvlastni item. Napr.
Uklid SocRoom - vytreni podlahy Uklid SocRoom - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid HWlab - vytreni podlahy Uklid HWlab - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid BrmBar - Inventura Uklid Chemlab - Uklid Biolab -
Kazde jako zvlast item kde rozdil mezi nakupni a prodejni cenou bude odmena pro toho kdo danou vec obstara. Cena muze byt pro kazdy item ruzna dle narocnosti a popularity. Zaroven by melo jit generovat report co se udelalo, podivat se co je potreba udelat, pripadne zjistit komu reklamovat ze vcera udajne uklidil a dnes to tak nevypada, upravit cenu pro motivaci.
On 23. prosince 2014 16:25:03 CET, George Blackhead blackhead@blackhead.cz wrote:
Social invention +1 Greets to revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> BH -----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu Mne se tenhle napad docela libi. "At revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now." zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
No ale to jsi navrhl jak to implementovat, nevyřešil jsi ten psychologický problém „když už za úklid platíme, tak ten bordel můžu nechat a on to uklidí placený n^Wuklízeč“.
On 29.12.2014 11:45, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel a napadlo me ze by to slo resit nasim, v soucasne dobre jiz pouzivanym, brmbar softwarem. Kazdy ukol by byl zvlastni item, ktery by se v definovatelnych intervalech (tyden, 14dni, mesic) napr skriptem v cronu naskladnen jako zvlastni item. Napr.
Uklid SocRoom - vytreni podlahy Uklid SocRoom - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid HWlab - vytreni podlahy Uklid HWlab - stoly (uklid, utreni) Uklid BrmBar - Inventura Uklid Chemlab - Uklid Biolab -
Kazde jako zvlast item kde rozdil mezi nakupni a prodejni cenou bude odmena pro toho kdo danou vec obstara. Cena muze byt pro kazdy item ruzna dle narocnosti a popularity. Zaroven by melo jit generovat report co se udelalo, podivat se co je potreba udelat, pripadne zjistit komu reklamovat ze vcera udajne uklidil a dnes to tak nevypada, upravit cenu pro motivaci.
On 23. prosince 2014 16:25:03 CET, George Blackhead blackhead@blackhead.cz wrote:
Social invention +1 Greets to revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> BH -----Original Message----- From: Brmlab [mailto:brmlab-bounces@brmlab.cz] On Behalf Of Pavel Ruzicka Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:28 AM To: Brmlab: Hackerspace Prague (main discussion) Subject: Re: [Brmlab] Nevernding story - bordel v HW labu Mne se tenhle napad docela libi. "At revspace.nl <http://revspace.nl> we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now." zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 06:20:21PM +0100, Jan Hrach wrote:
No ale to jsi navrhl jak to implementovat, nevyřešil jsi ten psychologický problém „když už za úklid platíme, tak ten bordel můžu nechat a on to uklidí placený n^Wuklízeč“.
A mozna nad tim moc rozumujeme a malo experimentujeme. :-)
Petr Baudis
j, zkusil bych něco takového prodiskutovat bud na silvestra (až tu bude dost lidí) nebo po novém roce.
Dne 23.12.2014 v 11:27 Pavel Ruzicka napsal(a):
Mne se tenhle napad docela libi.
"At revspace.nl we are running on volunteers only ... Every week there are a few (monetary) bounties that can be claimed by members (vacuuming the space, taking out the trash, etc), which can be signed-up for. The volunteers who do these tasks then get drinks-credits for their work. So far (we've been doing it for a couple of weeks), this has been working nicely, even if it's still mostly boardmembers and the usual suspects doing the cleaning, they at least feel somewhat compensated for their time now."
zdroj: http://lists.hackerspaces.org/pipermail/discuss/2014-December/010148.html
Brmlab mailing list Brmlab@brmlab.cz https://brmlab.cz/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/brmlab