Tak to mas bohuzel pravdu. Uz do toho reje nejakej Frantik :)
Tak v tomhle zatim asi nic. Dam vedet pokud bych se dozvedel ze se to zmenilo
--- Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 17:21:42 +0900 From: Yves Quemener quemener.yves@free.fr To: discuss@lists.hackerspaces.org
I see that a lot. Every time I mumble a bit about USA not being the world, but actually, I would like to know the reasons for that and how it could be possible to remove these reasons.
Today, it is easy to wire 1000$ to an account about anywhere in the world from the USA, (minus some extortion percentage by banks). If necessary, it is possible to ask from a passport scan to check the identity. This is a bit of a pain, but this would obey most anti-laundering rules I can think of.
What is the legal reason that makes 99% of these challenges are US-only?
On 24/05/13 16:09, Ken Murphy wrote:
Unfortunately, we need to limit it to the US. Sorry!
On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Michel Gallant <sfxman@gmail.com mailto:sfxman@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you have to be in the US for this?
On 05/24/2013 02:30 AM, Pavol Rusnak wrote:
On 24/05/13 02:25, Pavel Ruzicka wrote:
If you're interested, and think you get a group together from your space, drop me a line!
Ken ken@murphlab.com mailto:ken@murphlab.com
Mam neprijemny tusak, ze to je US only vec, ale napisem typkovi email.