Hi everyone at brmlab!

I am thinking of joining the lab with 2 main interests:

1. for my social entrepreneurship project vsezaodvoz.cz (freecycling in Czech and Slovak Republics) I am looking for a web-developer to do a major update of the site functionality etc. (it's in PHP). I am not a developer myself so had to use Joomla modules & plugins to get started but now would like to either build on top of it or re-do the site from scratch. I have clear ideas & visions for this project and will also appreciate contacts outside of brmlab (can of course reward them).  

2. woodworking / carpentry - I would love to start working with wood (love the smell) but have absolutely no experience / tools. Is it possible to get some training & tools in brmlab? That would be great.

Many thanks and sorry for a long message.


Petr Lamač