Hey just quickly,

Erwin here from VPN Thrive. It's where we publish our findings on all the VPNs that we personally use.

I'm emailing you because of your article here: https://brmlab.cz/project/tor/start

In that article, I noticed that you linked to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)

I recently wrote a similar article about online privacy, and I thought your readers would like it too. Would you also be interested in linking to it?

Here is the article: https://www.vpnthrive.com/online-privacy-guide/

I did my best to research the topic so that my article would add real value. There, I listed 20 ways to protect your online privacy. And I explained them in the shortest way I could.

Please check it and I would also appreciate some feedback.

Stay awesome.

Erwin Caniba
Co-Founder of VPNThrive.com
Safer Internet for All

Just click here if you don't want any more emails from me.