Hi Brmlab,

I'd like to install a security system for the railway, that is fun, interactive and somehow useful. I'm concerned about vandalism to the building, i have an internet connection.

Ii have 4 kinect scanners and PC. 
Have spoken with Andrej Boleslavsky.
He sent me this link.

My tool which I developed is following:
It does not identify the user, but works for much longer distance (8m vs 3m), allows you to define the hotzones where the system triggers the action.

I've also seen this link.

I'm interested to use a combination of these tools for security. With possible sounds as well.
Here is the blog for the station.

I can pay 250 crowns an hour for someone to help with this project. Do not need to come to the station, yet need to be able set it up here in Prague, and i can do the installation.

If anyone has the time and drive to help, let me know.

