Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to let you know about two extraordinary art and technology research positions  recently announced at the University of North Texas. The first position is in the area of Physical Computing and the Arts and the second is broadly defined as a practitioner of Interdisciplinary Arts and Science. These open rank posts are intended as integral to the creation of the  Initiative for Advanced Research in Technology and the Arts (iARTA), an interdisciplinary research cluster here on the UNT campus located at the northern edge of the Dallas metroplex. If it is possible to post or disseminate this to interested practitioners who may wish to join us in building an internationally recognized creative research cluster with visionary activities spanning the arts, engineering and sciences. I would also like to mention that we welcome international applicants.

Each of these posts represents significant opportunities for the successful candidate - for full details please see < >

Thank you for your consideration.

David Stout

Director - Initiative for Advanced Research in Technology and the Arts
University of North Texas