--- English version below ---
Ahoj kamaradi,
z technickych duvodu(*) jsem nucen presunout talk na pristi tyden, tj. 24.7.
Moc se omlouvam vsem, kterym jsem zpusobil nepohodli a zmeny planu.
Doufam, ze na mne nezanevrete a pristi tyden na talk prijdete (tedy
pokud chcete).
S omluvou,
J. D.
* priprava a souvisejici kodeni trvalo mnohem dele, nez jsem myslel),
a navic po mne v praci chteji praci...
Hi friends,
for technical reasons(*), I have to move the talk about OpenGL to the
next week, i.e. 24th of April.
I deeply apologize for all incoveniences and sudden changes of plans.
I hope you will come the next week (if you are interested).
Yours apologizingly,
J. D.
* preparations and related coding required longer time than I
expected, and in addition, people want me to work when I am at work...